Here is the varsity game in South Medford. Their scoreboard was cool and had all the players names and numbers.
Circle before game. Garrett is to the left of the guy touching ground.
Starting line up for caveman, doing the body bump. Garrett has been a great benchwarmer for the varsity. I missed Thanksgiving for nothing.
Warming up before the game.
This game was pretty physical. One kid hit his head and had a concussion. He was coming off the floor with help and almost fell over. It was pretty freaky.
Number 30 guarding him in this shot is a loser. While they were both fighting for a ball earlier. The kid looked to see if the refs were looking and when they weren't sucker punched Garrett in the face. Garrett said he hits like a girl. When Garrett said something to the ref he told Garrett not to be a cry baby. Garrett can't wait to play them again.
We had a great Christmas, although I miss toys and excitement. Now its sleeping in and clothes. No more waking up in the middle of the night to see what Santa has brought.
Kirkland got together with some friends for a sleepover for his 13th birthday. They had a lot of fun doorbell ditching, TPing, and girls chasing. Kirkland bought an Oregon Duck hat with some of his money from the party.