Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our next stop was Fort Stevens. Fort Stevens was an old military base. The Japenese attacked the United States in WWII and this is where we fought. We fought from the land and from the Columbia River. The fort was really cool. A boys dream place. The boys found it very interesting and cool. We went on an underground tour of where they kept these huge guns and ammo. These huge guns would pop up and fire over this huge wall and then go back down and the ships were unable to see where the shot had come from.
This was in the underground tour. This is where one of the huge cannons were stored.

This is the truck that took you on one of the tours.

Garrett and Kirkland in front of an old army jeep.

Replica of one of the huge cannons.

Here is a better picture of the huge cannons.

Another cannon spot

Part of the fort. This is the wall that the cannons would shoot over. You can go through the doors and see have everything worked down below and how the cannon balls were brought to the top.

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